Expression Methods

One of the new method types that has been introduced with CloudForms 4.6 (ManageIQ Gaprindashvili) is the expression method. These use the same advanced search filters that are used in report creation or VM filtering, and are particularly useful for populating service dialog dynamic element drop-down lists. Expression methods require no Ruby knowledge to use, run much faster than traditional Ruby methods, and are fully RBAC-compliant, meaning that a user running the method will only see results that are relevant to themselves.

An example of the use of an expression method might be to populate a dialog drop-down list element with a list of all powered-on VMs on a Red Hat Virtualization provider. This can be achieved as follows.

Create the Method

An expression method is created in the same way as other automate methods. One of the new method types in CloudForms 4.6 (ManageIQ Gaprindashvili) is expression (see screenshot Method Types).

Selecting expression as the method type opens the expression dialog, where the expression can be defined. For this example the Expression Object should be Vm, and the following expressions defined:

  • Field → VM and Instance: Type → = "ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager::Vm" AND

  • Field → VM and Instance: Power State → = "on"

(see screenshot Defining The Expression Method).

Create an Instance

An expression method is still run from the context of an instance, so as when using a Ruby automate method, an instance should be created to run the expression method.

Testing from Simulation

The default runtime action is for an expression method to return a hash called values containing {id ⇒ name} hash pairs for the objects found by the search. This is the correct results format for a service dialog dynamic element method that populates a drop-down list.

The method’s output can be examined by running the instance from Automate → Simulation. As when testing a Ruby method from simulation, the method's instance can be invoked by running System/Process/Request with the default message, and a Request value of call_instance. Three Attribute/Value pairs are required by call_instance:

  • namespace - the namespace containing the instance to test

  • class - the class containing the instance to test

  • instance - the instance name to test

(see screenshot Testing the Expression Method In Simulation).

Once the Submit button is clicked the instance is invoked and the results can be expanded in the right-hand pane in the Tree View tab. The values hash can be seen and each of its key/value pairs can be examined. (see screenshot Results of the Expression Method In Simulation).

Populating a Dynamic Drop-Down Element

Having tested that the expression method returns some meaningful data, we can add the instance as the entry point of a dynamic method to populate a service dialog drop-down list element. If the dialog is run from a button or service, the dynamic element is populated with the list of powered-on VMs on the RHV provider (see screenshot The Running Service Dialog).

Input Parameters

Expression methods can take a number of input parameters that can increase their flexibility. Suppose that our CloudForms installation managed two separate infrastructure providers, but we only wanted to list the powered-on VMs in either one or the other provider, but not both.

Our expression method can be edited to add a further AND field of Field → VM and Instance : Ems → =, but with the check box User will input the value ticked (see screenshot Adding a User Input to the Expression).

The <user input> will be supplied from the results of a new Provider (EMS) element in the service dialog.

An input parameter called arg1 must now be created for the expression method. This should be of type String, and with the value ${/#dialog_ems}. This is the substitution string that represents the $evm.root['dialog_ems'] value returned from the Provider (EMS) dialog element (see screenshot Adding the Input Parameter).

We can edit the service dialog to insert a new drop-down list element with Label of Provider (EMS) and a Name of ems (also populated by expression method if required), that lists all of the providers on the system. Using the Fields to refresh drop-down (see section Fields to Refresh) we can trigger the earlier VM element running the expression_rhv_vms method to run when a provider is selected.

Now when the modified dialog is run from a button or service, the Provider (EMS) element can be selected first, which then triggers the VM drop-down to refresh using the $evm.root['dialog_ems'] (translated as ${/#dialog_ems}) value as an input parameter (see screenshot All VMs listed on the Selected Provider).

Returning an Alternative Key

Several other input parameters can be used. For example if {guid ⇒ name} hash pairs should be returned rather than {id ⇒ name} pairs, an alternative key field can be specified using the key argument (see screenshots Setting an Alternative Key and Simulation Results From Setting an Alternative Key).

When run from Automate -> Simulation the values hash now has the following keys:

Returning an Array Rather than Hash

If an array rather than hash should be returned by the expression method, this can also be specified using input parameters (see screenshots Setting an Alternative Result Type and Simulation Results From Setting an Alternative Result Type).

When run from Automate -> Simulation it can be seen that values is now an array of [id,name] pairs, as follows:

Using an Alternative Return Attribute Name

The default action of an expression method is to return the results into a hash or array variable called values. This is accessible as $evm.object['values'] from any subsequent Ruby methods run from the same instance.

If several expression methods are to be called from the same instance it can be useful to rename the return attribute from each to keep the result sets unique. This can be done with the result_attr argument (see screenshot Using an Alternative Return Attribute Name)

A subsequent Ruby method run from the same instance would see the results as follows:

$evm.object['linux_templates'] = [["5c427ebd-6bde-...", "RedHat_CFME-", 1],...]

Summary of Input Parameters

  • arg1, arg2, argn - the first, second, n’th arguments in the expression

  • attributes - a comma delimited list of attributes to select from the resultant objects. The Data Type should be "array". If result_type is the default (hash) then only one attribute from the attributes list is returned. If result_type is 'array' then all are returned.

  • distinct - a comma delimited list of attributes which are distinct in the resultant objects (i.e. duplicates removed). The Data Type should be "array".

  • key - the attribute to use for the key (default: 'id').

  • result_obj - the object where the result data should be stored (default: '.' (current object (aka $evm.object))).

  • result_attr - the name of the attribute which stores the result (default: 'values').

  • result_type - the result type hash or array (default: hash).

  • on_empty - the method behaviour when the search returns an empty list (options: warn | error | abort). The method ends with $evm.root['ae_result'] set to this value.

  • default - the default value in case the result is empty and on_empty is set as warn.


This chapter has introduced expression methods, which retrieve VMDB values from expression-based queries without the overhead of launching a dRuby method. As a result they run much faster than a 'traditional' Ruby method that would otherwise be used to populate a dynamic drop-down service dialog element. They can therefore be used to reduce the overall loading time of a complex service dialog.

Further Reading

ManageIQ Talk Forum Discussion of Expression Methods

Last updated